


  • 5
  • Enrol

Starting school

Most children start school in the year they turn 5 years of age, and all children must be enrolled at school by the age of 6.

There are two major enrolment intakes each year, one for children at the beginning of the year (term 1) and one for children to start school in the mid-year intake (term 3).
If your child turns 5 years old:

  • before 1 May they can start Foundation in term 1 of that year
  • between 1 May and 31 October, they can start Foundation in term 3 (mid-year)
  • after 31 October they can start Foundation in the following year.

Children who start school at the beginning of the year will complete 4 terms of reception, while children who start school in the mid-year intake will complete 6 terms of Foundation.

For further information, visit: https://www.education.sa.gov.au/parents-and-families/enrol-school-or-preschool/school-enrolment/starting-school

Application process for Foundation students

Families who live within our school zone are invited to submit an expression of interest. Families who live outside of our school zone are welcome to enquire and book an appointment with the Assistant Principal.

To view our school zone, click here – https://www.education.sa.gov.au/parents-and-families/enrol-school-or-preschool/find-a-school-zone-or-preschool-catchment-area

Transition information

As starting school is an important milestone for children, we offer an extensive transition program to provide the best possible start. For children enrolled at Greenwith Kindergarten, this includes library visits, borrowing books, walks around the school, attending Sports Day, the Book Week Parade, Book Week activities in the library and our assemblies.

Children starting in Foundation are invited to attend three transition visits in an Early Years classroom the term before starting school. Starting school parent information sessions are also held the term prior to starting school.

Application process for students in years 1-6

You can apply to transfer your child from another school at any time during the year. Families residing outside of our zone are welcome to contact us, as we often have opportunities to offer enrolments.


Information coming soon.