
Arabic translation

قريبا المدرسه ترسل معلومات للأهالي عن كيفيه تحديد وقت مع المعلمين للتعرف عن تعليم اولادكم في الأسبوع ٥ من ١٧/٨-٢١/٨ المدرسه تشجع جميع الأهالي لتحديد وقت مع المدرسه. نادي ألافطار بدأت وجبه الفطور الصباحي اللي تقدمه المدرسه لبعض الطلبه ،و الوجبه تكون جاهزه في اكياس في قاعه الرياضه(الجم) لا يوجد مدرسه يوم الجمعه ٢٨/٨ لا ترسلوا اولادكم للمدرسه في هذا اليوم المدرسين لديهم اجتماع المدرسه تحتفل بعيد ميلادها ال ٦٠ يوم الخميس ٢٢/١٠ و اليوم آلتالي ٢٣/١٠ تكون عطله . أسبوع العلوم أسبوع العلوم لهذه السنه تكون عن المحيطات و المدرسه تحتفل بهذا اليوم و ذلك بتشجيع الطلبه على لبس اللون الأزرق و عدم لبس الزيدالموحد في يوم الجمعه ٢١/٨ . في الترم الثالث تكون ترم التحدي و يعطى فرصه للطلبه و الهيئه التعليمية التحدث و الكتابه عن الصعوبات اللي تواجههم في المدرسه من ناحيه التعليم . على أولياء الأمور تشجيع على المشاركة و التحدث معهم عن تعليمهم و القراءه ، الرياضيات و التطلع و متابعه seesaw للتعرف على المعلومات. Covid19 من الضروري اللاتزام بكل المعلومات عن فايروس كورونا اذا الطالب مريض و لديه أعراض الرشح على الوالدين عدم إرساله للمدرسه ، الالتزام بالتباعد الاجتماعي ١.٥ بين كل شخصين و خاصه عندما توصلون اوتأخذون من و الى المدرسه كل الطلبه و الهيئه التدريسية سوف يشاركون بالتمرين عن اخلاء المدرسه في حالات الطوارئ على أولياء الأمور ابلاغ المدرسه اذا تغير ارقام هواتفهم أو عنوان البيت لتسهيل الاتصال اذا لزم الامر. بدأت النشاطات الرياضية بعد المدرسه و على أولياء الأمور الالتزام بالارشادات و قوانين اللعب اذا اولادهم يشاركوا في النشاطات الالتزام بالتباعد الاجتماعي لا يسمح للعامة دخول المدرسه اثناء النشاطات الرياضيه على المدربين تسجيل أسامي كل المشاركين في النشاطات و كذلك توقيع تسجيلات الحضور و إعطاء نسخه المدرسه

School interviews 

Details will be provided shortly on how to book an appointment with your student’s teacher in week 5 of this term, Monday 17 to Friday 21 August. We will be encouraging all families to make the most of this opportunity.

Breakfast club

Our famous breakfast club is back this term! Breakfast items will be provided to students in take away packs in the Gym, with parents/caregivers unfortunately not yet permitted to dine with their children.

Student free day

We will have a student free day on Friday 28 August 2020 (week 6). Staff will be working off-site on this day with a focus on creating and maintaining safe learning communities. Our OSHC service will be available. 

60th birthday planning and school closure day

Planning for our 60th birthday celebrations early term 4 are continuing, with all classes commencing their engagement with our artists in residence from the beginning of week 2 this term. Please also ensure you have our school closure on Friday 23 October (term 4 week 2)in your diaries – this will be the day after our whole-school birthday celebration on Thursday 22 October.

Science week

National Science week is in week 5 this term, with the theme of “Deep Blue – innovation for the future of our oceans”. We will be having a casual day on Friday 21 August with the same theme.

Term 3 school challenge

This term, students and staff have been challenged to talk more about learning. Those who do the most talking, generally do the most learning, and we want all of our students to talk more to their teachers, families and each other about the things they need to do to stretch their thinking and be successful in their learning. Please ask your children about their learning goals in writing, reading and mathematics and check out Seesaw for up-to-date to information about the learning going on in classrooms.

COVID-19 update

It’s important that students and staff stay home if they are unwell. Physical contact (even between students) must be limited and parents must continue to physical distance, including at school pick up and drop off. Non-physical greetings should be encouraged and the general public should not be accessing our school play equipment.

Staff and students will be practicing our school invacuation/evacuation procedures this term to ensure everyone is familiar with our processes and procedures in response to emergency situations.

It’s critical we have the correct contact details for all parents/carers and emergency contacts, so we can quickly make contact in the event of a temporary and/or regional closure. Please contact our front office if you need to update.

Out of school hours sport

With out of school hours support returning, we kindly draw your attention to the guidelines below regarding outdoor training and games. Please respect that our coaches and coordinators are parents at our school who are volunteering their time to allow your child to participate in school sport. By adhering to guidelines, you will not only help our volunteers perform their roles, but more importantly, protect the health of yourselves, your children and our entire school community.

  • The number of people attending outdoor training and games is no longer capped. People are still expected to comply with the physical distancing requirements of 1.5m and not attend if unwell.
  • No public or community access to playgrounds or nature play areas for training and games days.
  • With regard to site entry forms, event organisers and coaches need to sign the forms and provide them to the school. Parents do not need to sign these forms.
  • Event organisers must keep records of players attending training, but the site doesn’t need to see them.
With warm regards,
Josh Vick – Principal