
Dear Parents/Caregivers

Home learning

This week has seen a steady increase in daily attendance with 84% of students learning at school today. With this increase in attendance, the positive data from SA Health, and direction from the Department for Education, we are now preparing to return to our regular weekly timetable and lesson structures.

Teachers will post the last of the detailed learning programs tomorrow, which will cover learning for week three. From the beginning of week four, support for families who continue to learn from home will be managed on a case-by-case basis. We recognise that some families are managing complex health situations, and for those of you in this position, we will ensure you are supported.

Communication with your child’s class teacher and administration staff remains essential.

Access restrictions

While some essential student service personnel will resume their on site support in the coming weeks, access for parents, volunteers and community members remains restricted. We appreciate your continued support in dropping off and picking up your children from the school gates. On a positive note, it has been great to see the increased resilience and independence of students in adapting to this change.

Cleaning and Hygiene

regular cleaning remains in place
additional daily cleaning schedule includes:
door handles
toilets and wet areas
hand sanitiser and soap remain readily available throughout the school
classroom teachers are supporting daily hygiene routines including hand washing before/after eating and playbreaks


There will be no face-to-face assemblies in term 2. We are investigating sharing student achievement and learning on a digital platform which parents and families will be able to access via Seesaw and the school website.

With thanks,

Josh Vick – Principal